Daily Archives: January 18, 2010

TNA Genesis 2010 1/17/2010


Total Non-Stop Action presents Genesis
Date: January 17th, 2010
From: Orlando, Florida
Announcers: Mike Tenay and Tazz

TNA Genesis opening video
– The video consists of wrestlers taking about what they were meant to do and their goals in TNA.
– I was a good video, which TNA usually produce anyway.

Mike Tenay and Tazz welcome everyone to Genesis

Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff make their way down to the ring. They enter the FOUR sided ring. Hogan welcomes the fans to the event and to the brand new Impact Zone, which gets a mixed reaction. “We Want Six Sides” chant starts up. Hogan says that the six sided ring only got them so far. Hogan says that they changed it whether the people like it or not. Hogan is proud to be apart of TNA Wrestling because it is all about wrestling. Eric Bischoff chimes in and says that they are all about change. Bischoff says that a lot more changes are coming for TNA. Hogan says “Whatcha gonna do Vince McMahon when TNA comes after you?”. Hogan and Bischoff head to the back. Read the rest of this entry